Saturday, 28 April 2012

WARNING - Antidepressants can be dangerous

He murdered his friend after taking this best selling drug
1.       There is a reason for depression, some people go through a traumatic experience in their life which has caused depression.
2.       Others are depressed and do not know why – this is physical depression and can be caused by
a)      Electrolyte imbalance
b)      Hormone imbalance
c)       Drug (over the counter or other) induced chemical imbalance
d)      Liver problems
e)      Virus
f)       Continued ill-health
g)      Nervous system problems

The answer to the first cause is not to go onto anti depressants long term as these could end up being the cause of endless ability to get back into life.  There is other good help for this, help that works.
The answer to the second cause is to find out what is going on in the body by a good Natural Therapist, if they are good, they will be able to find the answer, sometimes there is more than one thing happening in the body which causes these problems and the brain can only handle one thing at a time to remedy this situation, so be patient.  Phone and ask your Naturopath, Natural Health Scientist before you make an appointment if they have experience in this area and if they can help.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Nail Polish - WARNING!!!

I have found the heavy metal Thallium in nail polish.  In every case but one, the Thallium went straight to the Thyroid gland causing many problem, even cancer showed up.  In one case, so far, I have found it in a lymph node along with another heavy metal, this lady was in a lot of pain.

Approximately 60–70% of thallium production is used in the electronics industry, and the remainder is used in the pharmaceutical industry and in glass manufacturing. It is also used in infrared detectors. Thallium is highly toxic and was used in rat poisons and insecticides. Its use has been reduced or eliminated in many countries because of its nonselective toxicity. Because of its use for murder, thallium has gained the nicknames "The Poisoner's Poison" and "Inheritance Powder" (alongside arsenic).

I have tested 2 nail polish brands that are marketed as non-toxic and have found that they do not contain heavy metals

1.  NTP Health products - select from  25
2.  Neways - select from 5

If you have been using an over-the-counter nail polish, there is a good chance that it is toxic.  If it has a strong aroma of a toxic nature, then it probably is.  Stop using this nail polish immediately, remove it, apply Organic Lavender 100% Pure Essential Oil to your nails and thyroid, do this for 3 days, then if you want a good nail polish, ones that have been tested, look at the above sites.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Cancer, Illness and Disease

The Human body is a remarkable piece of workmanship which, given, the chance, can keep its health, or regain its health.
What are the biggest enemies of the Human body.
1. Parasites
2. Bacteria
3. Viruses
4. Fungus
5. Protozoa
6. Poor diet and/or Stress
7. Chemical medications and/or unnaturally manufactured medications
8. Electromagnetic radiation – from all electrical or battery gadgets
9. Poisons e.g. weedkillers, paint thinners, glue all chemicals including   formaldehyde in new carpets, chipboard, new unwashed clothing
10.Chemicals and metals in cosmetics, deodorants, soap, shampoo,    toothpaste etc.
What type of illnesses and disease can all the above cause?
Every imaginable condition from Cancer to a cough
From Item 6 – 10, these things weaken the immune system, items 1 – 5 are things that attach and then destroy the weakened immune body.

Road back to health
1. Replace all chemicals, poisons with better safer products, use an anti electromagnetic patch for protection, do not push your body, take time to live and relax, eat healthy life nourishing foods.
2. As all chemicals taken internally weaken the digestive system, the digestive system has to be corrected so that it can once again give the body the nutrients that are needed.
3. The blood which transports the nutrients and oxygen to the cells, then brings back out from the cells the waste matter needs to be kept clean.  The Kidneys do the cleansing of the blood but unfortunately when the digestive system is not functionally well, this in turn puts a large amount of waste matter into the blood, causing problems in the kidneys – these need to be cleansed.
4. The liver, which is called the main control centre of the body, can become overloaded, same as the lymphatic system, these need to be cleansed, if needed. Warning never try to cleanse the liver before first checking the kidneys as this can cause severe kidney problems
5. Items 1 – 5, if a quick 5 minute test shows that any one of these are present, then they must be dealt with swiftly.
When taking any supplements, it is very important to make sure that these supplements can be broken down and used by the individuals body as some cannot but can and usually do cause more problems.  Also supplement combining is very important as some supplements do not combine well with others.
This all seems very involved but I can assure you it’s not to a trained professional like myself it has simple steps
1.    Find the cause
2.    Look at the body as a whole and treat it that way
3.    Remove problems
4.    Bring back to health