Monday, 21 November 2011


Is an extremely dangerous health hazard.
To remove – Dissolve 1 tablespoon to Bi-carb soda in a bowl with water.  Soak a clean cloth in the solution, wring out the cloth and add 3 -4 drops of Organic Peppermint or Clove 100% Pure Essential Oil on the cloth and remove the mould with the cloth.
If neither of these oils are suitable, then try Organic Eucalyptus Citriodora or Lavender, both of these have no warnings of avoidance.
By using Organic Peppermint or Clove 100% Pure Essential Oil, you will also be protecting yourself and/or destroying the effects of the mould in and on you.

Clove Organic 100% Pure Essential Oil is extremely high in antioxidants, being one of the highest products on the Orac scale.  Both oils are also antiviral, antibacterial and anti parasitic.
Avoid both if pregnant and Avoid Clove if on blood thinning medications such as Warfarin, Aspirin, Heparin.  Keep both away from eyes and Peppermint from open wounds.

You can purchase the 12ml Organic oils through me, call in or phone with your credit card on  07 49302030

Clove - $10.85
Eucalyptus Citriodora - $8.35
Lavender - $13.80
Peppermint  - $9.20

Friday, 18 November 2011

Energy Saving Light Bulbs Safety Alert

Please read and be very careful with these light bulbs.  I dont use them as they constantly flicker, not noticeably but as a fluorescent light and computer monitor does and now, after reading about the mercury content, I am very glad that I dont. 

This constant flickering is very bad for the immune system and especially bad for someone suffering from an autoimmune illness such as asthma, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psorosis, eczema, even anxiety.  56cm from a fluorescent light will give you 1.25 electro magnetic field radiation.

Now look at the mercury content of these light bulbs and if they break they are extremely dangerous.  Please read the link so that you know exactly what to do in these circumstances and never, never touch the broken bulb and do not contaminate your house or your rubbish bin with it.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Startling information regarding Cancer

When there is a problem with the body, there is always a reason why.

I am finding that many, if not all cancers are caused by either a virus, parasite, bacteria or fungus.

I have seen many skin cancers and all have been tropical parasites.

Stress causes the immune system to weaken, so this is a major contributor.  Diet is also a major contributor as a bad diet not only weakens the immune system but does not have the good nutrients there to bring health to the cells.

Viruses, fungi and bacteria make their home in the body as well as along the spine and the only way to destroy them on the spine is with a treatment of 100% Pure Organic Essential Oils.  These oils must only be oils that your body wants to use and this must be tested through either the muscles or sense of smell.

Treatments must include both body and spine to have the best chance of removing the cancers, the earlier the treatment starts, the better the result.

If there are any pets in the house, such as birds, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, mice or such, remove them as they carry parasites, bacteria and fungus.  Sick animals may also have a virus.

Microwaves weaken the immune system - back to the old stove top and oven.

Mobile phones kept near you at night, continually used or worn on your body through the day need to have a protective shield placed on them but always keep them at least 1 metre from you at night.

The first place to start is by getting the stomach and immune system strong with the right foods and the kidneys cleansed, this applies to everyone in every state of health.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

White tail Spider Bites

I was bitten years ago, the doctor told me that eventually the poisons in the sore would eat away the flesh of my arm and I would need skin  grafts. I found a better way. No skin grafts for me, all that was left was a little white mark on my arm.  Since then I have treated many bites.
You usually don’t feel the bite. First you notice one or more blisters and you cannot for the life of you remember how that happened. The first thing you do is to put the below on the bite also put it on the soles of your feet for one week.

100% Pure Organic Basil Essential Oil 50/50 with an Organic carrier oil - Buy it here see below

Following the Basil oil, you make up a poultice of Plantain

Directions for Poultice Place ½ teaspoon of dried or fresh Plantain herb in a saucepan. Add water, as little as possible, just enough to moisten the herb. Do not bring to boil. Leave to cool.  Place herb on a piece of gauze and place over wound and wrap it with a bandage.

You will probably feel ill, fatigued and maybe have a headache.  You also need to cleanse your blood.
Use Juniper berries, grind them in a coffee grinder and put ½ teaspoon of the ground berries into 1 cup of warm water, let it sit for 15 minutes, strain and drink – do this twice every day for 2 weeks.  Also drink 6 – 8 glasses of pure water per day as the Juniper is a diuretic.
If you do not have a coffee grinder, then put one teaspoon of the Juniper berries into a saucepan, add 1 cup of pure water, bring to the boil, turn off heat and let sit for 15 minutes. 
If you have a blender, then put the cooled contents of the saucepan in the blender, blend, strain off the berries and drink.  Do this twice every day for 3 weeks.
You can make up double the quantity – one day’s supply and have one cup and put the other in the refrigerator for later.
You need to keep the poultice on during the day and night for 2 weeks, changing it twice every day. A scab will form but it will not be a healthy scab, you need to keep removing the scab until underneath the wound looks healthy.  The gauze and bandage usually helps to remove the scab.

After 2 weeks using Juniper, then also add Dandelion herb to the Juniper tea and continue to take for a further 2 weeks.

Buy it here

100% Pure Organic Essential Oil Basil -  12ml $11.60
Plantain 25g $2.50
Organic Juniper ground ready to just add warm water 50g $5.00
Organic Dandelion Leaf 50g $7.00

Postage extra

Phone with your credit card details - 07 49302030